The Cuckoo's Fiancee is a Oneshot manga by Miki Yoshikawa, published in Weekly Shounen Magazine on September 25, 2019[1]. This Oneshot is one of the three Miki Yoshikawa's oneshots to commemorate Weekly Shounen Magazine's 60th Anniversary Project.
The Cuckoo's Fiancee won the poll against the other 2 Oneshots and start it's serialization on January 29, 2020.
Two teenagers got switched soon after their birth. Hoping to keep both of their biological and adopted children, their parents decided to engage the boy and the girl.
Difference(s) with Chapter 1[]
- Nagi is never shown to rank 2nd among the second-year in the Oneshot.
- The daily-life of Umino household is not shown in the Oneshot.
- Nagi's school name is Bunkyou Academy in the Oneshot, but is changed to Megurogawa Academy in Chapter 1.
- The Umino household looks poorer in Ch.1. For example, no bed was shown in Ch.1 unlike in the Oneshot
- Nagi and Erika are moved up one year from a 1st-year student to 2nd-year student.
- Nagi and Erika trying out a different outfits. Erika's outfit is more revealing in Chapter 1.
- The price of their clothes is changed from 245,000 to 495,000 Yen.
- The encounter with the deliquents was changed from a park in the Oneshot to a shrine.
- Two of the delinquents are heavily re-designed in the Oneshot.
- Nagi and Erika's school outfit are different from Oneshot.
- The meeting between Amano and Umino family is shown to be at night/dusk in Ch.1 compared to afternoon/evening in Oneshot.
- Hiro Segawa is not introduced in the Oneshot.
- Nagi never states his goal to rank higher than Hiro and confess to her afterwards in the Oneshot.
- Sachi and Erika are not shown to think about Negi in the Oneshot.
List of Characters[]
List of characters:
- Nagi Umino
- Sachi Umino
- Erika Amano
- Delinquent A
- Delinquent D
- Delinquent C
- Mr. Umino
- Mrs. Umino
- Mr. Amano
- Mrs. Amano
- "Be my boyfriend!" - Erika Amano
- "A picture should deliver the atmosphere of a moment. That's what makes a good shot." - Erika Amano
- "The Umino's family motto: if someone starts a fight, end it." - Nagi Umino
- Both Megurogawa Academy and Bunkyou Academy are located in Tokyo (Meguro City and Bunkyou City, respectively). Miki Yoshikawa is situated in Tokyo.